In this month's newsletter:
Looking back on eftec's 30th Anniversary Party
Watch the trailer for our video of the celebration
Now Published: Environment and Historic Environment Outcomes Valuation Guidance
For Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management
The role of the financial sector in achieving a Green Transition
Watch Ece's contribution to this SPE event
Looking back on our 30th anniversary celebrations

Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate 30 years of eftec with colleagues, clients, and friends last month.
We held workshops on creative writing, mending, painting, and acting to give our guests an opportunity to explore new angles on their work. Afterwards there were speeches, musical performances, and drinks into the night.
To see what we got up to, take a look at our trailer here.
Now Published: Environment and Historic Environment Outcomes Valuation Guidance
Our work updating the EA guidance for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management

Our work, in partnership with SLR, to update the Environment Agency’s guidance that supports the economic appraisal of impacts of Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) schemes on the natural and historic environment has now been published.
The guidance consists of a six-step process, which takes practitioners from scoping and defining the environmental baseline of their scheme to measuring and valuing the changes in ecosystem services and benefits that a scheme is expected to have. It also includes a tool to help estimate the monetary value of impacts.
The Role of the Financial Sector in Achieving a Green Transition
with the Society of Professional Economists

At the end of March, eftec CEO Ece Ozdemiroglu was invited by The Society of Professional Economists to speak alongside David Young (Broadway Initiative) on how the financial sector can help to achieve the green transition.
The session was chaired by Dr Ulrike Hotopp (Live Economics). Ece spoke on the differences between 'greening finance' and 'financing green', made the case for finance to act, and shared knowledge from her experience advising on natural capital. She describes how helping businesses to realise their dependencies on ecosystem services can inspire them to view natural capital as an asset that requires investment.