In This Month's Newsletter:
Our Work on ERAMMP Published in Journal
Modelling to Support Agriculture, Land-Use, and Natural Resource Policymaking
Stacking and Bundling in Nature Markets
Our work featured in new paper by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA)
eftec's team grows
Welcoming Karli Jeffrey, Emma Thomas, and Benjamin Hentschel
Our Work on ERAMMP Published in Journal
Modelling to Support Agriculture, Land-Use, and Natural Resource Policymaking

Since 2017 we have worked on multiple projects with the Welsh Government to develop improved Integrated Modelling Platforms (IMP) for agri-environmental policy.
This work, funded by the Environment and Rural Affairs Monitoring & Modelling Programme (ERAMMP), has recently been published in a paper co-authored by eftec's Ian Dickie and Sophie Neupauer alongside colleagues from UK CEH, Forest Research, ADAS, Cranfield University, and the British Trust for Ornithology.
The model has been designed to support policymaking in agriculture, land-use, and natural resource management and is now being actively used to explore, test, and iterate policy ideas prior to final policy design and implementation.
To address criticisms of previous modelling platforms, ERAMMP actively emphasises stakeholder engagement, provides transparency in assumptions, and embeds flexibility and communication of uncertainty in its outputs. The paper demonstrates how these attributes have facilitated cultural change within the Welsh Government.
To read the full paper, click here.
To access the ERAMMP site, click here
Stacking and Bundling in Nature Markets
IEMA Paper Released

IEMA recently released a new paper, developed with eftec's input, on stacking and bundling in the context of nature markets.
Nature provides multiple benefits. Rather than creating markets or other funding processes for individual benefits separately, stacking and bundling is considered to support several benefits at once. Stacking refers to when different ecosystem services on a piece of land are sold as separate units of trade or credits. Bundling refers to when multiple services are sold as a single trade or credit to a single buyer.
This paper has been published to help professionals, including land managers and project developers, better understand the opportunities and the methodology behind stacking and bundling. It explains what nature markets are, how stacking and bundling works and their pros and cons, and the role of additionality in the process. It finishes with a list of recommendations to ensure that nature markets are set up in a way that can be most effective and transparent.
The paper is available for free to IEMA members and can be purchased by non-members. Visit the IEMA website for more information.
Welcoming Karli, Emma, and Ben to the Team

This month, we welcomed three new colleagues to the eftec team: Karli Jefferey, Senior Consultant, and Researchers Emma Thomas and Benjamin Hentschel.
Karli Jefferey holds expertise in health and environmental economic modelling and will primarily support our chemicals policy projects. She also has extensive experience in cost-benefit analysis, national accounting modelling, contingent valuation, business case development for public sector initiatives, urban development, and the environment. She honed this experience through her previous role at Deloitte, Australia, and through her degree in Economics from the University of Western Australia.
Emma Thomas will support the team across our service areas and is currently focussing on preparing natural capital accounts. She holds an MSc in Environmental Economics and Climate Change from LSE and a BSc in Environment, Economics, and Ecology from the University of York. She is experienced in studies of conservation, environmental valuation, and spatial analysis.
Benjamin Hentschel has returned to eftec following a successful internship last summer and the completion of his BSc in Economics from UCL. He will continue contributing to our project and business development work through literature reviews, data analysis, and report writing.